Village of Holley WWTP Upgrades

The goal of this project is to replace and upgrade equipment to restore the Village of Holley's WWTP capacity to its original design capacity during wet weather conditions and to replace aging infrastructure with more energy efficient equipment and to comply with the new SPDES permit limits for effluent disinfection and chlorine residuals. The following updgrades will be a part of this project: Aeration system improvements (aeration diffusers and air supply blowers), Ultraviolet disinfection system upgrade, Roofing system replacements, and Electrical system upgrades including new emergency generation
Addendum 01 (click to expand/collapse)
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Holley WWTP Upgrades Addendum No. 1 (1) 37.3 KB
Addendum 02 (click to expand/collapse)
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481304 Holley WWTP Addendum No. 2 9.9 MB